Thursday, September 11, 2008

From Jun 2008 to September...

First impression bila tauk dpt pegi egypt, happy n accept the offer.Sebab bfore tok mmg tgh mok apply juak mintak blaja sia as in alexandria. sebab ada org pdh tpt ya kacak n modern n medic sia bagus.borang dekat2 mok siap.ujong2 tek result mara klua, dpt perubatan timur tgh.mcm sik cayak jak.that time rasa mcm miracle jak or rasa mcm thats a way to show that medic is the best course for me sebab sik minat, but daddy is trying really hard making me to take medic, embak jumpa kwn nya lah apa lah, then suddenly jak dpt offer mcm ya bila dah ada sikit effort mok ambik medic. thats how the story is.


then pegi lah kursus bhs arab fr jun to end o august(3 bulan) dekat kolej teknologi timur sepang.dtg sia pun ragu2 juak apa pekaian student sia.nama gik persediaan kursus intensif timur tgh.persediaan bhs arab.the truth is i dont feel comfortable when i first reach there. im the only one lain as in i myself understand.i feel i shouldnt be there.thats all i can say. how can i survive for six more years coming? daddy pdh mun bena2 sik mok pegi, quit lah. tapi apa pakei quit, mun ada sit kat college lain then ok sikit lah. malas juak mok apply agik. giney2 pun ujong2 mesti medic juak,so terimak jak lah.its the same thing.memudahkan.sik banyak songeh mintak duit bayar fee lah apa lah.sik suka kerja leceh! dah daddy susah di rondeng.nemind lah. start dari ya lah sikda mood gik mok ambik medic sampei kinek tok..

kakya dlm kursus ya ada kursus bina negara to all students that will be going to egypt. cek2 tek, im the only one miak sarawak. sorang sabah. time ya agik la bekurangan mood mok pegi sia agik2 la ambik medic.sebab sikda org k klaka swak kelak.but at the same time rasa mcm maybe its the correct path sebab out of beratus student sarawak yg apply, im the one dpt offer ya.sebab medic to egypt under mara mmg special bebanding sidak ngantar ke indon, india,jordan, rusia n including uk.sebab semua ya pelu exceed a level pointer, mun sik, sikpat pegi.tapi egypt, terus pegi without foundation or a level.kiranya mek org ambik degree terus lah. so thats the only great thing about it i guess...

For people that has been to egypt,bila nya org tauk jak mok blaja ke egypt, mesti nya org pdh its a nice place. Tapi mun sik penah pegi ya like me mesti nya org tanyak sik panas ka?n mcm2 negative n kolot way of perception. n sapa2 yang dah diam sia or tgh blaja sia, dak nya madah sia kotor, bahaya, sik boleh klua malam2 or siang2 pun susah, bahaya mok klua n sebenanya sik modern, enjoy pun setakat escape class. tapi mmg sik logik lah mun dibandingkan uk n egypt, uk bersih tapi mesir nok kotor ya digelar negara islam.ada ka patut mcm ya. malu la dgn sidak arab tok pengotor. tapi sik semua la ceridak.kali mostly nok pembersih ya only educated people.the next thing im curious about is their clothing. ada sik yg bebaju biasa jak kat sinun?n mcm2 lah.
biar lah. i hope i can cope with that...